
All about NodeJS

Download Tutorial All about NodeJS

NodeJS is a platform that allows developers to write server side high performance and networked applications. And that too using good old Javascript. But wait ! Isn’t Javascript meant to be used for forms and stuff on web pages ?

Well that was 10 years ago. The world has gone from ‘Oops! You’ve not filled up the form properly !’ days to today’s modern web apps and social media sites that rely heavily on Javascript. Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn, being handful examples of this movement. And to think that this quantum leap would not have been possible without Javascript is not an overstatement. Today, when you socialize with your friends on Facebook, or use your Gmail inbox, you’re running thousands of lines of code written in Javascript, in your browser.

With Node JS, you can take this knowledge back on the server, where usually you would expect to see the likes of PHP, Ruby, ASP dot NET etc. But that’s only a small portion of the reason why NodeJS is so cool. The fact that you can write full blown networked applications (think chat servers, collaborative tools, real-time data visualisation apps) with just a few lines of code is more than reason enough to not only look at NodeJS, but deep dive into it !

But I know PHP ? Why should I learn NodeJS ? Well, for starters, learning something new never hurts. But most importantly, learning NodeJS is great because :

  1. Node allows you to write highly scalable networked apps deployed on the cloud !
  2. You’re working at a different level of application design per se with Node and that means that you’re not writing an app that sits on top of a stack, you design the stack from the server up. And while that may sound daunting, it really is not and you’ll see why.
  3. You code in the same language, both on the server and on the front end ! We’re all polyglots (we use multiple programming languages and syntax in most of our projects), but managing code in the same language on the back-end and the front-end never hurts and in-fact can be a huge time saver when debugging.
  4. NodeJS is used by the likes of LinkedIn, Yahoo and Microsoft to name a few. Its pretty new and consequently you gain advantage from the exponentially growing community of NodeJS & Javascript developers and that’s great fun, really !
  5. If you’ve been coding in Javascript, you can leverage your existing knowledge and skills and take it to a whole new level !

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