
Developer Fundamentals for AWS

Developer Fundamentals for AWS Free Tutorial Download


This course is intended for anyone interested in getting started with the tools that AWS provides for developers. We will explore all the services in the Developer Tools category, including CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline, covering the basics for each service. By the end of this course, you should be able to describe all of these services and work with them.

In order to follow up with the examples showed in this course, you should have some general AWS knowledge, that includes being familiar with all the core services of AWS, especially EC2 and IAM, and also understanding how to use and configure the AWS CLI. If you don’t have this knowledge, we recommend that you step back and take at least the AWS Compute Fundamentals and the AWS Security Fundamentals course prior to this one.

You can find a detailed guide to follow up the examples in this course along with the source code for the applications that we will deploy in this Github repository.

If you have thoughts or suggestions for this course, please contact Cloud Academy at [email protected].


Hi, welcome to the AWS Developer fundamentals course.

These are the pre-requisites for this course. First, you need to have a basic AWS knowledge. By basic I mean that you need to be familiar with the core service that AWS provides especially with IAM and EC2. And you also need to be familiar with the AWS command line interface in order to follow up with the examples that I will show.

If you don’t have this knowledge, I recommend that you step back and take a look at at least the AWS compute fundamentals and the AWS security fundamentals.

The audience for this course are any beginners to the AWS cloud but especially developers since we are going to talk about the developer tools that AWS provides.So in our scope we’ll only talk about developer tools and this includes CodeCommit, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline. Our only goal in this course is to describe the services in the developer tools category. I’ll show you how to work with these services together especially CodeDeploy and CodePipeline.

In the next series of lectures, I’ll show you a lot of hands-on examples. To make it easier for you, I created this GitHub repository. In here you can find a series of cheat sheets that will help you follow along with the examples. It’s organized by lecture. In here you can take a look on how the cheat sheets look. It will make sense during the videos. Also in here, I’ve put the source code for the apps that we’re going to use in the CodeDeploy lecture. We’re going to deploy a simple app. In the CodePipeline lecture we’re going to deploy a Great Scott app so it’ll be easier for you. You don’t need to create things by yourself.


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