
AJAX PHP server side validation JSON response

Create form validation from PHP JSON formatted responses using jQuery AJAX requests sending data to PHP code

This course will walk you through how to use jQuery AJAX to send data to PHP backend code and retrieve a JSON response from the PHP code.  Use the response data to provide users validation and messaging to the html form.

This course requires prior knowledge of JavaScript, and HTML.   Some jQuery AJAX and PHP is helpful to understand the code syntax.

Course covers the following within the context of building the validation form.

  • HTML – simple HTML form input types text and email
  • CSS – limited styling of an HTMLform
  • JavaScript – Mainly jQuery some JavaScript data types  Objects and arrays
  • jQuery – AJAX and form submit event listeners
  • PHP – JSON encoding, POST values as variables, Conditional statements, echo content
  • AJAX – POST AJAX send and retrieve data.  Serialize form content
  • JSON – JSON formatted data response.
  • DOM – Document object model event listeners
  • Google DevTools console messaging
What Will I Learn?
  • Creating a basic form that sends data to the backend
  • JSON backend php responses

  • using JSON data

  • creating AJAX within jQuery
  • Event listeners

Screenshot Tutorials/Courses

Info Tutorials/Courses

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • 3 Articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  •  [Size : 255 MB]


Pass RAR : freetuts.download

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