
SAP PO – Java Mapping Training with 10 Programs

SAP PO – Java Mapping Training with 10 Programs   Free Tutorial Download

What you’ll learn

  • How to Properly Install JDK
  • Download, Install and Configure Eclipse Tool on your machine
  • How to work with Eclipse Tool
  • Write, Compile and Run Java Mapping using Eclipse Tool
  • Right way to upload Java Mapping in ESR
  • Test Java Mapping in Eclipse Tool and Operation Mapping
  • 10 Java Mapping Program for every Interface Scenario


  • Prior experience in SAP PO tool is required
  • Access to SAP PO Software
  • Little bit of Java Programming Knowledge Required
  • Windows machine with Java Installed
  • Internet to download Eclipse Software



  • You need to have access to SAP PO Tool.
  • Knowledge on SAP PO Tool is required.

What you will learn in this Course?

If you are trying to learn how to use Eclipse to write Java Mapping and also trying to learn how to develop java mapping for your interface mapping then this course is right for you.

This course will teach you the basics of installing Java Software, Download & Configure Eclipse Tool, Write Java Mapping, Deploy Java Mapping in ESR and Execute it in Eclipse.

Course Content:

  • JDK and Eclipse Tool Training:

    • What is difference between JDK and JRE?
    • Step by Step instruction on how to Properly install JDK Software.
    • Download the right version of Eclipse for Java Mapping Development.
    • Configure the Java Mapping with PO Mapping Libraries.
    • Learn how to write and deploy your Java Mapping in ESR.
    • Detailed steps are shown on how to use the Eclipse Tool.
  • 10 Java Mapping Programs

    • Program 1 – Download Complete Java Mapping Source Code.
    • Program 2 – Write a Simple Java Mapping to read and write file.
    • Program 3 – How to Read File Line by Line with Java Mapping.
    • Program 4 – Learn to Handle Trace from Java Mapping Program.
    • Program 5 – How to Read Dynamic Configuration in Java Mapping.
    • Program 6 – How to Read Every Field from XML File.
    • Program 7 – How to Read CSV OR TAB Delimiter File
    • Program 8 – Read Chinese or Japanese Character Files
    • Program 9 – Learn to Write Java Mapping in Message Mapping Itself
    • Program 10 – How to Write Parameterized Java Mapping
    • Program 11 – How to Read Properties file in Java Mapping
  • Interface Development

    • Complete walk-thru of Interface with Java Mapping
    • Complete walk-thru of Mapping Development to Running the Interface.
  • Hands-on

    • Download the Source Code
    • Download the Configuration files
    • Complete hand-on and practical videos to see the steps.

All the hands-on training is shown on the Live PO system so that you can do it yourself later.

Who this course is for:

  • If you want to learn how to write Java Mapping
  • Learn Java Mapping Scenario
  • Anyone who wants to Master the Java Mapping Topic in SAP PO

Download  SAP PO – Java Mapping Training with 10 Programs  Free


Password : freetuts.download

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